Monday, December 25, 2017


Deception, confusion, corruption
Contaminants of humanity
That have made the image of God's own perfection
Into the dreg of creation

All it took was a guileless desire, destructive intention, cunning solution,
A taste and an unapologetic mentality
To fall

Although man was basking in innocence
He had no chill to receive sense
Because at the sight of that tasteful treasure
He became a slave to pleasure

Yes! Treasure!
For the apple held the knowledge of good and bad
If only Eve knew true knowledge lies in not knowing good and bad 
That moment she agreed wouldn't have been the eve of death

Who knew that juicy flavour was an irony?
As it conceived agony
'Cause the veil of the God-reality ripped harshly
After the taste buds ignited the world-reality

A reality characterized by flesh
Lust of the flesh, lust of the eyes and pride of life 
A creature once pure and without blemish
Turned into a being of strife

With a God sized hole that awaits filling
The evil would not stop growing
An attempt at wiping humanity
Proved sin defies sanity
Man just won't change
Time and time again choosing death

Leaders, Prophets, Judges, Kings 
None, could cure the sickness darkness brings
But there is one whose love knows no bound
Because bounds cannot bind his love round

The one who desecrated himself 
Chose to be made flesh
And took on the lowest form of man- a babe
To show the authenticity of his thoughts- salvation

Revealing to us the height of his love
Which is enveloped in humility 
Delivered on a cross
With the seal of grace

Now you're probably thinking
Sister, it's not Easter why this tale?
My response to your thoughts is,
Christmas is the time Christ was made mass

He has stopped being the God of the righteous 
He now is the God of the unrighteous and righteous
Calling out of darkness into light the sick and weak 
Overwhelming with glory the firm and fit

It's sad, that Christmas is now the celebration of a babe
Instead of a Lord who lived to die

Does your Christmas manifest your Christianity?
Why celebrate a saviour you don't savour?
Christmas isn't just a day 
It is,

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